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The truth never changes, lies always do

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Corey Feldman

The reality of what they do to child stars

Corey Feldman

MILO on Why Hollywood abandons Corey Feldman

Why is Hollywood not apologizing to Corey Feldman?  Why are they not discussing the fact that abusing little boy actors is just as vile & frightening as it is for the girls that get abused.

Why is Hollywood not stepping up to the plate now, and apologizing for not listening?
Are they afraid of Corey and his truth

Are they guilty, so they don't want to acknowledge it?

It's sickening to watch this unravel and see a survivor having to ask in tweets, why he's still being ignored.  It's ridiculous.

How can anyone look him in the face and not apologize?  He was so young when he told, and he's still trying to be heard now, should never have to be screaming from roof tops as a survivor.

Hollywood needs to fix itself and face that they "dropped the ball" on all of the past, but they have an opportunity here to do something better.

I can't even believe that people from Hollywood are not throwing him a lifeline now, it's so weak of all of you.  It's so ridiculous and makes all of Hollywood look uninviting and scary.

Is there a special club for your level of survival, and Corey missed the entrance door?

Hollywood needs to stop allowing any child actors to be "stolen" from childhood, just because they have talent, looks, and charm.  They have a right to innocence, and everyone, including Meryl Streep and the women, need to be standing up for Corey and acknowledging that they have wronged him.

Stop the abuse from now on, and fix this, Hollywood, it's something you will wear as a label for a lot longer when you don't right your wrongs.

Help Corey, and stop making it about others, without including him.


Heather Dawn May is US Ambassador

Meryl Streep Responding to Rose McGowan

************************ Help Corey Feldman **********************************

Corey's Campaign is about humanity, and our right to be born & live in innocence, This amazing article tells the truth about how negligent & unfair we are in society, and how little even w/ revelations of pedophilia coming out left right and center, that no one listens even know, or pays attention to a survivor of pedophilia.

It's completely unfortunate that the media does not listen, and they are still not listening now.  Stacey is correct about everything, and what they do is look for a reason to lie about his intentions, and plans in order to still ignore him now.  Hollywood will spend $110 million & up to make a movie to entertain us,  They will pay a lead actor $20 million for their role, and for Corey who planned a movie of heroism to give a face, name & reality of surviving child abuse, child crimes, and innocence stolen by elite pedophiles, suddenly, the pricetag of $1 is too much for anyone to think about.

They labeled him for trying to make this movie, him starring in it, covering the cost of the set, the crew, the stages, film crew, lights, you name it all for less than they pay a star for an entertainment movie, and have abandoned him by making negative headlines.

For people that defend him, support him, and understand the project, we are all trolled, and put down, written messages, and having to "explain" to people why he has this right, and why there is support for him.  It's a daily battle of repeat instructions to the world, where every day a new person tries to derail him and his supporters.

And then there are the people that get it, and I see him gaining the right support and people becoming brave enough to help him, and allow him his own rights to his life.

Threatening a survivor of child rape is how they attempt to maintain a hold on him, his family and associates.  And to prevent other survivors from even daring to dream of a day when they can too be free from the control that holds onto them.

The darling little Shirley Temple with smiles for the camera, was a tortured little soul that never could seek what Corey is trying to seek now, which is the right to tell, and free himself from control over his survival.

People fail to realize that Hollywood has never had a right to take talented children and steal them, their thoughts, dreams, rights, and use them in the way they have done.

Corey is alone in one sense, but he is also being so protected and guided to be able to do this project and then be the true hero.

Time Magazine and other covers have betrayed society when they do not give credit to our true heroes.  But in truth, a hero like Corey is above a cover that only puts controversial covers together for revenue, without giving the right people credit for their acts and deeds.

It's a "fake" excuse to try to find a flaw w/ what Corey stated, and I defend this every day.  He has a right to be paid for this work and creation, he has a right to uninterrupted donations and support, and in the end, he will figure out how to raise the amount he needs to make a life changing film, and do it with his own special class, brand, and ability to be real.

He speaks so well, and so does his wife, and together they are doing an amazing job, despite many obstacles, and he is in great hands.  Dr. Oz is such a great person to interact with, and he has found generosity and support from we the people that do get it and are awake.

We have to stop abandoning people that aim to preserve us, and to give us life that is simple and innocent.  We have to stop judging anyone, and just listen.  We have to protect our children, and tell the world that our kids are ours, not theirs, and that no one will ever be doing this to future generations of children.

Corey is the right person for this job, and people that are afraid of him, or his truth, are part of how he was ever harmed in the first place.

Corey's Wife

Please Sign Corey's Petition against Pedophilia

Corey's New Fundraiser (the other one was declining his donations)


Corey on twitter, wanting to commit to this movie, and the story through the eyes of a victim and survivor

Getting Signatures for the pettion - big job, please sign and share

Corey Feldman is a caring child star, that was impacted by the Hollywood curse.  He was so adorable and innocent, that he and Corey Haim were partners of the stage together in movies.

The bravery of Corey Feldman, to speak out as he did, against pedophilia was foreign to us all, and we did not "get" the reality of what he was saying.  They had silenced this secret, and bullied, blackmailed and intimidated every single actor or actress into submission though emotional torment and abuse.

When Corey told the truth, even the LAPD ignored his truth, and never did any investigation.  Living with this pain and secret in exchange for still having air in one's lungs is a burden and price tag for life, no one can grasp this.  Any survivor never gets to live a day of "normal, or looking the other way, since they are already looking the other way for anyone to continue to silence them.

Corey came forward more than one time, and it was never his burden to bare to take down the entire industry of Hollywood, sadly it took several decades for them to do that to themselves.

The 2016, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Wikileaks, finally brought the truth to the light, and here we are now, dealing with the flood gates of victims that suffered and survived.

Please listen this time every one, and make a difference, the elite think our children are theirs and that this can continue to go on.

My own personal journey at breakfast, was a daily milk carton, with children's faces on it, and dates of when they were missing, while everyone knew exactly where they were.

What it does to a person's mind to drink milk in a safe place at home, with your mom and dad, and sisters that you sometimes fight with only resonates with you as an adult looking back to what that actually was.  Kids that were taken, from that breakfast scene, and the lie of being put onto milk cartons to give the appearance of a search, not their sacrifice to the elite.

We must continue this fight from now and until forever.  The pedophile ring has been going on throughout history, and most of the predators never wanted to face this crime bestowed upon them, they never healed & they repeated this throughout time.

So many people want to protect the elite, that they want to normalize this violation and sickness, so that they don't go to jail or have consequences.

It's our time now to tell the elite they will not get our children, and every brave person that takes on this fight is their own hero, the unsung hero, that cares about the right things in life, and that is to break the chain of this massive crippling abuse, and not let them do it any more

Please sign Corey's Petition inside this video, and share,  we are a "train" of people, the majority that do not want our kids to be so mentally broken, they don't even know who they are.


Petition for Corey

Corey Update

Hello Everyone,
Thank You for your patience with us trying to iron out all the technical issues on our end.  We have sent an email to Indiegogo in the hopes that we might be able to get everything resolved in a timely manner.  It has been reported that many people were/are having problems donating, which has caused reason for concern.  However, unless you have received a notice that your card has been declined, then your donation has been received and we thank you for that!  We are eagerly awaiting a response from Indiegogo, which we are hoping to receive tomorrow.  Another way to keep up to date with these matters is by following Corey on Twitter (@Corey_Feldman) as he makes daily posts regarding the status of the Campaign, as well as any other news and progress we have made in other areas.  
The Video that was promised last week will be coming out on another platform very soon so please stay tuned for that.
I wanted to mention that there is an ongoing petition that we need signatures for called "Corey's Law," which .  We need as many signatures as possible for this as it is the first step in taking action against the current Statue of Limitation laws that desperately need to be changed.  You can sign the petition by going to and adding your name.  Please feel free to also share this link with friends and family, and on social media so we can get the ball rolling.  So far we have 3500 signatures, but we will need 100,000 in the next 25 days to reach our goal.  
With regards to the Campaign, we have almost made it to a quarter million which is absolutely AMAZING!!!  Thank You to each and every one of you who have made this possible.  Corey and I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for your compassion and help with all of this as it is greatly needed.  With the Holiday season coming upon us so soon, we know every body is going to have financial obligations to take care of.  We are politely asking that those of you who are able to, if you can please make a little extra room in your heart and your wallet for this important cause, as we are still in great need.
We also wanted to state our apologies, although we have the willingness to lower our goal, our efforts have been futile, and we have not been able to do so. At this point we need to make stretch goals. So our first stretch goal is going to be $500,000 We are just about halfway there. So lets all spread the word. Remember 1 Million people have watched this video on YouTube if every one of those viewers gave $1 we would have 1 Million Dollars towards the wholeTruth being told.  
Again, Thank You for your patience.
God Bless You All,
Courtney Feldman

Corey Tweet 11/21 17


Celebrity Insider

Child Actors afraid to come forward, even still

Corey T Shirts

Petition link & fundraiser link

Corey on Charles Manson

Corey's Inner Circle

They always tried to set up Corey to lie about Michael Jackson.  The LAPD knew it was a setup and Corey would not lie,  They buried his actual revelations about Hollywood names abusing children for more than 2 decades.  The point of interviewing Corey was to turn him into a witness they needed against Michael even when it was not true.  Corey did not do that, 

MJ  Rest in Peace

Corey's Life has been a long struggle.  Survival from childhood on up, has been a very hard battle, filled with a lot of pain.  But I can see that things are turning around for Corey, and the awareness and awakening people are having to the cult of Hollywood pedophilia.

Corey cleared of sexual harassment charges